
Moeller Brew Barn

Written by Myron Bowling Auctioneers | Feb 28, 2025 6:00:11 PM

Featuring:  4-Vessel JVNW 50 BBL Brewhouse with HLT and CLT, Flottweg Centrifuge, RO System, SLS-20 AC1500 Flash Pasteurizer, (7) 100 BBL (3,600 Gallon) Cone Bottom Glycol Jacketed Fermenters, (3) 200 BBL (7,200 Gallon) Cone Bottom Glycol Jacketed Fermenters, (3) 100 BBL Glycol Jacketed Brite Tanks, 5,000 and 2,000 Liter Foeders, Meridian Grain Silo, Feedpro Grain Metering System, Glycol Chiller, Boiler, Scissor Lift, Wulftec Pallet Wrapper, and Brewery Support

Featured in Anna, OH: 10 BBL Brewhouse, (6) Stackable 10 BBL Fermenters, (6) Dual-Stacked 10 BBL Horizontal Brite Tanks, Grain Mill, Transfer Pump, Whaley Glycol Chiller

If you need additional information on equipment at this auction, contact Logan Oliver at or (513) 828-9080